Sunday, 13 December 2015

Being Rich or Poor is Actually a Choice.

Many a times because some are born in poor family, and because they see their family struggle for a living; Negative and Low Mind-set, thoughts become ingrained in them like:
I am poor,
I have to struggle hard in life for an existence
All such stuff.

Do anybody of you ever faced such thoughts: Then let me say to you it's also a form of blind belief

And lets break it:

Many Rich people in the Society, had a very poor life in their Childhood, but that never stopped them from becoming Rich.

So its not our family background that is going to decide whether we will be Rich or Poor, But it is totally dependent on our Attitude in life;

So Actually its Us, who is going to decide whether We will be Rich or Poor, and Absolutely nothing can Stop us, if We have set our Mind;

Being Rich or Poor is Actually a Choice.

Always Remember Our Surrounding is just a Reflection of what we Believe.

Also don't let others Belief manipulate or make us compromise, from the blessed Dream or Vision which we have in front of Us;

So Today our positive declaration should be: I am rich, wealthy, and a great Influencer in many People's life.

Remember you are not what other's say you, are but are what God says you are;

God says: You are valuable and precious;

So see yourself like what God says and think GOOD and BIG.

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