All things which we use in our household or our work place
has got a user manual which tells us, how it should be used and we always
follow the manual while using those things.
For e.g. we don't put our phone in washing machine for
cleaning purpose or we don't keep our shoes in the Refrigerator., We all know
how to use those things;
And what if we see a person who does such things , we might
laugh at them or might say he has lost his mind, Right?
Likewise maybe we have not read a Human manual, and because of
that we don't know how to operate our own system and also operate others around
Scientist's Recently quoted a very interesting truth about
Human Brain and it says:
"Brain is wired for Love"
original design is Love.
We are here on this earth only with one purpose, that is to
love others and being loved.
We are taught from the time we are born, you have to become
this, and you have to become that. But no one has ever told us that we are Love
beings designed to love and Honor each other..
All the problems we see around us are because from the time
we were born, we were forced to operate in a way that was really contrary to
our authentic design.
And our Brain that is wired for Love, Don't know actually
what to do when it receives signals contrary to its Design.
Brain gets confused when it receives signals contrary to its
design and then a chaos is formed inside the brain and body responds according
to what the brain processes.
A Healthy Brain, sends Healthy Signals in the entire body
which projects a Mentally Fit and Healthy Individual.
Also one of the discoveries scientists revealed is that 95%
of sickness are because of wrong thinking patterns developed from childhood.
Brain functions improperly and fails to send the proper
signals in Body, Leading to different pains or working difficulties in
different parts of the Body.
We can operate in our full potential, only when we realize
how we are designed and operated accordingly.
Whenever we are Accepted, Loved, Honored by our Friends and
Family , we feel so valuable and loved and feel like we are at the Top of the
Many a times in our society people are treated very rudely
from their very childhood which creates brokenness in them, and then they pass
this rudeness to others too.
So we are the ones who should take an initiative, else we
will be building a culture of hatredness and rejection which will lead to a
broken society full of pain and broken people, who can pass only one thing to
the society, i.e. brokenness.
Our Identity is: We are Love being's designed to love
ourselves and others around us.
And when we start operating in our original design,
everything in our life just falls in place;
When we start operating in our original design others around
us will also get impacted and our culture also will be greatly influenced;
Others around us who
have not read this, may walk in a way contrary to the Human manual; But our
duty is to let them know this truth;
And having read this Human manual still if you are operating
in an identity which the world has projected in front of you. Then it would be
like telling, all my neighbors and friends are keeping shoes in the
refrigerator so I also will do.
If you have read the Human Manual and known your True Design,
and still keeping your shoes in the wrong place as your friend is doing then
you are world's biggest fool;
Who even knowing the original design don't want to operate in
the real identity and also allowing others to operate in the wrong identity
which they have been following because of a wrong Manual they have been
So Follow your True Identity and operate in it, and together lets
make this world a Beautiful Place of Love and Honor.
Have a Great Day!
(To Be Continued....)